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I am Saskatchewan born and bred. Yet, for me, the land that had been home to my people since homestead days lay shrouded in mystery. Who had lived here before my great-grandparents arrived?  What were their stories?  Those questions haunted my growing-up years.


During the 1960s, I witnessed the frenzied optimism of dam-building, the flooding of farmland and coulees as Lake Diefenbaker filled. I saw how quickly a way of life - be it small farmer or bison hunter - could be obliterated.   My desire to know the stories of this land morphed into a need to share those stories.


I live and write in rural Saskatchewan.

The prairie and its creatures are my inspiration. My family is my joy.


My full-length books are:

a non-fiction regional history Looking for Aiktow (2014)

the historical novel Prairie Grass (2020)

another historical novel Rikka (Dec 31 2021) In RIKKA, history and family stories merge to create a Norway-to-Canada saga based on the life of one of Saskatchewan’s female pioneers.






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2015 by Joan Soggie. Proudly created with

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