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As long as the river flows ...

Joan Soggie


Western tradition is deep-rooted and strong.


Sandcastle hogsback along Lake Diefenbaker south of Beechy


The sand castle hogs-back, Beechy, SK


The sandcastle badlands south of Beechy, bordering Lake Diefenbaker.

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The Jacket: Gil Watson

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Bison hunt at the Aiktow sand hills, Hind expedition,1858

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Survey camp at The Elbow, 1871

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Photo by Lorraine Korbo of the original Mistaseni cairn at Elbow

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Arrow-Smith map of North America 1805

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December 1966 the Big rock, the Mistaseni, blown up by a PFRA crew.

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Chief Poundmaker's grave, with fragments of the Mistaseni, the big rock of the Aiktow.


Ceremony at the big rock 1966

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Map of the Elbow area


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